Update and Discussion on the Joint SEI/NCSEA/CASE Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering

In 2019 SEI, NCSEA, and CASE jointly prepared and adopted a Joint Vision for the Future of Structural Engineering, and the three organizations have been collaborating to pursue that vision. SEI President Glenn Bell will provide an update on various important and exciting initiatives underway including advancements in performance-based design, case studies recently processed from Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety – US, and the SE 2050 embodied carbon reduction initiative. Glenn will also lead a town-hall type discussion with participants on advancing the profession from local and national perspectives.


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About Glenn Bell

Glenn Bell recently retired from Simpson Gumpertz and Heger after 45 years, 22 of which as CEO, to devote himself full time to professional service.  He is 2019-2020 President of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE, Co-director of CROSS-US, Board Member of the Charles Pankow Foundation, External Assessment Panel Member for the Center for Risk Based Community Resilience Planning at Colorado State University, and Galletly-Dickson Visiting Scholar at the University of Bath in the UK.